On Monday we had our bi-weekly programming. For this event, all of the interns had to meet at the Capitol Building Visitor Center. My program advisor was taking all of us Communication and Media students on a tour of the Capitol Building. Before I go any further, I have to talk about an embarrassing moment that happened to me right before I started my tour. So, I was going through the security check-line and one of the security officers asked everyone if they had any weapons on them. I of course said, "No" and then proceeded to place my bag onto the moving scanner. After walking through the sensor, one of the officers said, "Excuse me mam, what is this?" I looked at him and my eyes lit up, I completely forgot I had my mini-mace spray on my key chain. I apologized to the guard and told him it was an honest mistake, I really wasn't trying to smuggle a weapon inside. He looked at me very seriously and then laughed and told me to go put it outside. I felt relief whenever I was able to walk away.
Now we can pick up with the actual tour. So, I met up with my group and our group leader took us all throughout the capitol building. The tour was very interesting, but it was kind of difficult to hear all of the information about each room because there were so many people talking and walking around. After the tour, we headed to a hotel down the street. This is where the second part of our day was going to take place. This event was called the, President's Lecture Series. This is where four politicians (two Democrat and two Republican) came in and talked about their experiences and shared some of the challenges they've had to face throughout their career. This part of the program was also very interesting to hear, but I think I would have had to know a little more about political science in order to fully appreciate their perspectives.
On Wednesday I went to my night class after I finished up with my work at my internship. I really enjoyed this class because we got to go to Eastern Market and see all of the old neighborhoods and even a local food market! (see pictures below)
On Thursday I probably had the best "work" day. The agency I intern for was helping with an event for one of their clients, Z-Burger. This wasn't your typical event, this was a burger eating contest! Not only did I get to meet and talk with the contestants, but I also got to be one of the "models" for the contest (f.y.i- it was only because two of the models didn't show up, but that's okay- it was still fun to do!)
How many people get to say, "I was a burger model!"
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