Wednesday, July 15, 2009

That was ALMOST a typical day

Yesterday was ALMOST a typical day for me, but there were a few twists and turns along the way. I woke up at 8:11AM right after my fifth or sixth alarm went off (I always hit the snooze button a lot, my roommate Lexy tends to get a little annoyed, but I can't blame her. It's okay though, she now laughs every time I swear that I'm going to stay awake after the first alarm).

Anyway, so I woke and got ready for work/my internship. Unfortunately, I was running a little late, so I wasn't able to make breakfast or prepare a lunch. As soon as I was done fixing my hair and putting on my outfit, I grabbed my bag and my phone (without realizing that I did not have my keys), headed out of my apartment and down the elevator, then quickly walked across the street to my bus stop. As I was riding on the bus, we approached our stop at the East Falls Metro Station. After sitting there for about 5 or 6 minutes, I was waiting for the bus driver to depart from the station. However, there was no sign of leaving. The next thing I heard from the bus driver's mouth was, "Something is wrong with the bus, sorry everyone!" She explained to us that she had called for another bus to come and pick us up, but it would not arrive until 10:15AM. This is not exactly what I enjoy hearing whenever I know that I have to be at my internship at 9:30AM. I had to think fast and so I ended up deciding to walk the rest of the way. Walking a long distance in 80-something-degree weather and with blisters in high heels is not my ideal commute to work. However, I had to do what needed to be done and I actually ended up arriving on site 20 minutes til 10AM.

Surprisingly, my day actually went pretty smooth after that. I started my day off by collecting and organizing a list of online articles that focused on an event my agency put together for one of our clients. After finishing that, two other interns (Jeff and Alex) and myself helped out Steve, the president of BWF. The project we were working on required us to engage in some in-depth research and to utilize our cleaver and creative writing skills. I really enjoyed working on this particular project because it I think it was one of the larger tasks that needed to be completed and, as corny as it sounds, I really felt like I was making a difference with my work due to the fact that it was a major publication.

My day had ended very well. I completed just about all of the projects I had been working on and when I left the office, the sun was still shining and there was not a cloud in the sky. One of the other interns (Dana) and I even decided to stop by Z Burger after work to enjoy a free burger and one of their delicious milkshakes. I think everyday should be as good as this one (minus the broken down bus)!

The interview that I had mentioned in one of my previous posts was set to take place yesterday (July 14th). Unfortunately, the gentleman had to cancel the interview due to a last minute business trip. However, we are currently planning to reschedule for Monday. Stay tuned for details!

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