Saturday, July 18, 2009

It's Salsa Time!!

Before I talk about my "Dancing With The Stars" moment (not really), I want to explain what led me to taking salsa lessons.

Each and every Wednesday, I meet up with the students from my night class, "A Taste of D.C." Each week our teacher chooses a new neighborhood for us to visit and to learn about its history. This week we went to Adams Morgan and explored the neighborhood. Just to give you a brief history about the area: President John Quincy Adams had actually owned estates and land on the countryside here. During this point in time, the area was known as Adam’s Mill. Okay, back to the story. So, my class and I met up at Columbia and 18th street. We then proceeded from there and stopped at some places like: Madam's Organ and Julia's Empanadas. One of the students (Joelle) gave a short presentation about Madam's Organ and explained its history and its contribution to Adams Morgan. After that, our whole class piled into Julia's Empanadas to grab some of their delicious treats!

After we ate, our teacher decided to take us to this place called, "Habana Village." This is where we were going to learn how to salsa dance! Once we all crowded into the room, our teacher started to explain some of the basic steps. By the time the class was over, I was "1,2,3"-ing like a pro (not really, but I'd like to think so). Anyway, I really had a fun time and I enjoyed learning how to salsa! A lot of my friends from the class and I decided we should go back a day and perhaps take the intermediate class. That should be interesting to see!

Seriously though, if you ever get the chance to take salsa lessons, I really think you should. It's a great experience!

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